Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Being a Travel Agent From Home ? Straight Commission or MLM ...

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Whether working as a Travel Agent From Home or any other home based business opportunity your choice of company may depend on your opinion of MLM or Network Marketing as opposed to the more traditional form of Commission payment.

There are a lot of misconceptions about MLM and that will be the last time I mention it because I don?t like the term. The better term is Network Marketing because every business owner ?networks? these days, in fact they always did, it just seems to have become the ?in? term these days.

So what?s the problem, why do so many have a low or even hostile opinion towards this method of distribution. The only reason it has a bad name is that it has been associated with illegal pyramid scams which is a great pity because the Network Marketing Business Model is the most fair and ethical means of remuneration for any business which involves retailing/selling products and services to retail customers.

Take a look at this funny video:

When you?ve watched the video you might also like to get a copy of the free report. Well worth it if you?re serious about any home based business. Watch out for the second in the series.

We are fortunate enough to have in our home based travel business the option of both methods of receiving commissions so you can simply retail the products and get a generous commission for doing so. The problem is you have to keep finding new customers all the time. As you build your travel business you will begin to get repeat business and referrals but the fact still remains that most of your business will be new.

This sounds familiar to one of the main arguments people put forward as a reason for MLM being a bad thing. Think about it! It doesn?t matter what business you are in, home based or otherwise, you still need to get new customers because that is the only way to grow.

Good luck in all you do and don?t forget to register for updates and more information about what we do.


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