Thursday, January 19, 2012

Logitech Fold Up Keyboard Makes Typing On The iPad 2 Easy And Expensive

There?s no such thing as touch typing on an iPad, which is why many power users opt for an external keyboard attachment to the Apple tablet. Logitech?s fold up keyboard is one of the most practically designed ones we?ve seen, even if it does cost $180.

The Bluetooth keyboard attaches to the back of your iPad 2, without interfering with a smart cover and offering an extra level of protection. Open it up and the full-size keyboard swings out, creating a natural stand for your tablet and pairing with your iPad automatically. Closing the keyboard automatically switches it off, saving the USB-rechargeable batteries.

It?s a great looking peripheral, but at 180 bucks you kind of expect it to have flashing lights and bells and whistles, don?t you?



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